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What are the Basic and focal points to your Business start-up?

To empower, motivate, inspire women to change their economic outcomes through the power of enterprise - start up or grow their businesses or gain employment - To do, this entails: Taking Action.

There are several things that you need to consider beforehand:

[if !supportLists]· Do you Really want to start your own business?

[if !supportLists]· What Sort of Business do you want to start?

[if !supportLists]· What would you like to call it?

[if !supportLists]· What is the Right structure?

[if !supportLists]· What experience to you have in this area (home, hobby, Interest, skills, training etc.)

· Where will you start?

· When will you start?

· How do you want to start?

· How would you finance it?


[if !supportLists]· Marketing your new business

[if !supportLists]· How to sell

[if !supportLists]· Customer services

[if !supportLists]· New product or Service development

[if !supportLists]· How to Employ- Human resources

[if !supportLists]· Strategy- how to plan and grow (3 months-6 months short term plans; 1 year – 2 years long term plans, 5 year-10 years plans)

[if !supportLists]· Pricing; Budgeting, payments

[if !supportLists]· Accounting and finance- DO THE MATHS

[if !supportLists]· LIST YOUR OTHER PERSONAL SKILLS & How you think it can help you in business- for example people skills, organisational skills, planning, analytical, creativity, numeric etc.

Having strong and clear vision, mission and objectives of your business are first essential tools for its success. Hence, taking good consideration and thought will lead to its progression.

Objectives determine the actions to your business will entail and these have to be SMART

  • Specific

  • Measurable

  • Achieved

  • Realistic

  • Time bound

For further information kindly book our workshops.

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